The World is But a Stage: University of Luzon attends a masterclass in internationalization

Posted on 8th of Nov 2022 by


As part of the university’s dedication to excellence, we are constantly seeking ways to innovate. After all, standards are constantly evolving. What might have been deemed “excellent” a few years ago is no longer viewed in the same light today. While this reality can be a rude awakening for systems that have remained stagnant due to complacency, it also forces people to innovate, be more adaptive, and reawakens the need to learn, which, as one of the country’s preeminent educational institutions, is at the university’s very core.

Globalization is a significant factor in the ongoing evolution of education in our country. With all of its benefits and drawbacks, globalization can be described as a process that continuously reduces the world’s conceptual state. This results in the term “global village” being coined. A village is not a city, much less a nation, and in no way a planet. It is a paradox that simultaneously exemplifies the expansive nature of our world and how technology enables us to connect instantly with people from all over the globe. In order to maintain our position at the forefront of education, we must now take into account standards that were previously external to our equation.

On November 8 and 9, key members of the institution, including Dr. Aurora Samson-Reyna (VPAA and representative to the President), Prof. Angel Reyna Jr. (Director for International Relations), Dr. Dolor Bustillo (HR Director), Dr. Imelda Cuartel (Dean of the College of Education), and Dr. Carmelita Quinto (Assistant Registrar and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts), attended an event organized by CHED Region 1 titled “Filipino Leaders in Advancing International Reputation.” Participation in this two-day event demonstrates the university’s commitment to transitioning onto the global stage and is just one of the many steps we will take to align our standards and quality of education to be competitive and comparable to, if not superior to, the international standard.

Raising our profile is a crucial step toward gaining a better international reputation. We need to make an effort to put ourselves on the map. One of the most efficient approaches is to conduct research and then publish the results. High-quality research that is widely disseminated benefits not only our organization but also our members as individuals. As a result, more exceptional learners and educators will be drawn to join our school, further establishing our reputation as a global leader in higher education.

We also need to be mindful in our outreach to other organizations worldwide. A variety of structures, from formal partnerships and agreements to less formal exchanges of students and faculty, can constitute such connections. By strengthening our relationships with like-minded organizations, we not only stand to benefit from their expertise, but also increase the likelihood that they will look to us as a go-to resource for educational collaboration.

Improving our international standing is a process, not an endpoint. To stay ahead in the education game, we need to put in consistent work and vigilance, but this is a necessary endeavor. We will reach our goal and join the ranks of the best universities in the world if we stay focused and work hard.