Guidelines for Student Organizations
The college recognizes the importance of developing creative and responsible students leaders who will eventually assume the mantle of leadership in their chosen fields of endeavor.For this purpose, it seeks to encourage the formation of student groups who pursue clearly established common objectives and the initiation of student-directed endeavors set-up along social, cultural, religious, literary, educational or recreational lines.
I General policies: The establishment and operation of student organizations in all colleges are governed by the rules and regulations established by the Commission on Higher Education. The following are some of the salient guidelines for operations of student organizations in the Colleges.
A. Authority to Operate. The Vice-President for Academic Affairs has authority to regulate the establishment and operation of student organizations, upon compliance with the requirements prescribed by the College and to revoke or cause the revocation of the authority to operate granted to a student organization for cause and upon the recommendation of the Director for Student Affairs.
B. Supervision of Organization Activities. Any activity of the organization must be approved at least ten (10) days before its implementation. It shall be the responsibility of the Director for Affairs to recommend approval, supervise and regulate the operation as well as activities of all duly recognized student organizations, for the purpose of directing as well as maximizing the utilization of their resources and efforts toward the attainment of their avowed and approved objectives. In implementing this provision, the Vice-President for Academic Affairs is empowered to
promulgate rules and regulations as he deems necessary.
C. Application. Any group of students may apply with the Vice-President for Academic Affairs through the Director for Student Affairs to organize a student organization, which will be subject to the following provisions:
1. A letter of application to be filed with the Office of the Director for Student Affairs stating the
organization’s goals and objectives.
2. The following are also to be submitted: The organization’s constitution and by-laws; the names, year and major, and signature of the founding
members; and the proposed activities of the organizations.
3. The action on said application will be taken not later than ten (10) days after the filing date.
D. Constitution and By-Laws. Each student organization shall have a constitution and By-Laws which shall be approved by the Vice-President for Academic Affairs.No such student organization shall be allowed to function without prior approval herein required.
E. Certificate of Recognition. The recognition of the student organizations shall be a pre-condition for its operation in the College. A corresponding certificate of recognition shall be issued by the Office of the President upon recommendation by the Vice-President for Academic Affairs to each student organization upon full compliance with the requirements herein prescribed; however, such certificate shall be effective for one (1) school year only and will have to be renewed each succeeding school year that the organization is in existence.
1. A yearly renewal of registration or re-accreditation of all student organizations shall be announced by the Office of the Vice President for Academic
Affairs. Any student organizations which does not renew its registration shall be automatically considered defunct.
F. Registration. Every accredited or recognized student organization shall be registered with the Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs. For this purpose, the following shall be required:
1. Copy of the approved Constitution and By-Laws of the organization, signed by the initial set of
officers and members of the organization.
2. A list of officers and members, including their respective positions, date of assumption to office, and their respective specimen signatures.
3. The name of the organization’s faculty adviser and their acceptance of the position.
4. Other documents which may be required by the Vice-President for Academic Affairs.
G. Any student organization which has been granted institutional recognition and which violates its own statement of purpose/constitution, or fails to comply with the Institution’s policies, is liable to revocation of their certificate of recognition.
II. Qualifications for Membership and Officers. Only bonafide students who comply with the following requirements are allowed to join student organizations:
1. Must be full-time students taking an academic load of at least eighteen (18) units or the regular load of the department concerned.
B. Officers
1. Must have at least one (1) year residency (36 units) immediately prior his election.
2. Must have a weighted average of not less than 85 or 2.00 with no failing grade or incomplete in any subject in the two (2) preceding semesters.
3. May be re-elected but not beyond the specified number of curriculum years of the degree he is enrolled in.
4. No record of infraction of any school regulation and police records (certified by the Dean).
III. The Faculty Adviser. Each student organization shall have two (2) faculty advisers. The Vice-President for Academic Affairs appoints two faculty advisers recommended by the organization, and approved by the administration. The term of appointment of faculty advisers is for one (1) school year
and may be renewed. If before period is up the faculty adviser withdraws, a new faculty adviser will be appointed by the Vice-President for Academic Affairs to serve the unexpired term after which he may be re-appointed.
A. Qualifications of Faculty Adviser
1. He must be a full-time faculty member of the University.
a. If the organization would like to have an adviser who is not a full-time faculty member, then this may be allowed on a case-to-case basis.
2. For academic-related activities, he must be connected with the particular academic area.
a. If the organization is not academically-linked, the adviser should be knowledgeable in that particular field.
3. He cannot be an adviser of more than two (2) organizations.
4. His acceptance of the position of adviser must be done in writing and filed with the Office of the Vice-President for Academic.
B. Appointment of the Faculty Adviser
1. The Vice-President for Academic Affairs appoints two faculty advisers recommended by the
organization concerned and duly approved by the administration.
2. The term of appointment of faculty advisers is for one (1) school year and may be renewed.
3. If before period is up the faculty adviser withdraws, a new faculty adviser will be appointed by the Vice-President for Academic Affairs to serve the
unexpired term after which he may be-appointed.
C. Duties and Responsibilities of the Faculty Adviser
1. He makes himself available for consultation to all members of the organization, especially to the officers.
2. He attends meetings of the organization.
a. If the adviser is unable to attend, he should be informed of what happened during the meeting being supplied with the minutes of
the meeting. A verbal account of the meeting should be used to supplement the minutes of the meeting but never to take the place of the
written minutes.
3. He assists in the planning of activities for the organization making sure that the activities serve to actualize the objectives of the organization.
4. He should be present if the organization’s activities is held off-campus or when the organization is representing the school.
a. If the adviser is unable to attend, then he should request another faculty member to take his place upon prior approval by the Vice-President for Academic Affairs.
b. The adviser in-charge should assure the safety of all members of the organization and all others who may be involved with the activity.
(1) He may require the parents of the participants to sign a release form (waiver) of the members for involvement in the activity.
5. He should periodically evaluate the performance of the organization and in turn submit a report to the Vice-President for Academic Affairs:
a. The adviser’s report should be separate from the one submitted by the organization each semester.
b. His report will be the bases in determining the re-accreditation of his organization, and evaluating such towards as most outstanding organization and awards for leadership and the like.