Graduation Requirements


All students who expect to graduate in a given semester are required to apply for an evaluation of their academic records atleast 2 semesters before their scheduled graduation so they can complete all their academic deficiencies before enrolling in the last semester.

No student can be endorsed for graduation and allowed to join the graduation ceremonies unless he/she has successfully completed all the units required in his/her curriculum (for BSN all academic and clinical requirements— RLE hours and cases in OR-DR-Nursery), and has been cleared of his/her financial and
other obligations to the University.

Graduation Procedure

1. Student must apply for graduation two semesters prior to the anticipated graduation date in order to ensure all requirements are being properly completed. Graduation applications will not be accepted after the published deadline.
2. The Dean will review the student’s records to ensure graduation requirements are met prior to signing the application form.
3. If all requirements are met, a student is allowed to enroll on his/her last term.
4. The Dean’s Office submits a list of candidates for graduation to the Registrar’s Office and publishes it in the college bulletin board.

Note: It is the responsibility of faculty members to find out before the start of classes who among their students are expected to graduate at the end of the semester.

5. Graduating students take final examinations in advance and should make the necessary follow up with their instructors five (5) working days after to ensure that grades are submitted to the Registrar’s Office and other requirements are met before the graduation ceremony.
6. Form IX (Records of Candidates for Graduation) must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office on or before the deadline specified in the Academic and Administrative Calendar.

Graduation Ceremony

1. After all grades are completed and submitted to the Registrar’s Office, the student gets a clearance from the Registrar’s Office. Accomplished clearance must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office before a student will be issued Permit to Join Graduation.
2. The student should present the permit to join graduation (signed by the Dean and President) to the Alumni Office for the issuance of cap and gown. Cap
and gown must be returned the next day after graduation ceremony to avoid paying a fine of Php100.00 per day.
3. Students who incurs a failing grade and/or incomplete grade during the last term will not qualify to attend the graduation ceremony; hence his/her name in the list will be cancelled.
4. All graduating students are required to attend graduation rehearsal(s). Date and time will be announced by the current Chair of the University Wide