UL Students Anticipate Triumphant Return from HAX 2024, Strengthened by Dr. Hari Ginardi’s Guidance

Posted on 20th of Sep 2024 by


The University of Luzon (UL) is eagerly awaiting the return of its talented students from the Hybrid Asia Exploration 2024 (HAX 2024) program. Mary Rose R. Guntang, Jayven Mae T. Hadloc, Rocelle Ann F. Hornada, and Chris Angel R. Rongilla, all BS Information Technology students from the College of Computer Studies, are set to arrive back in the Philippines on September 21, 2024.

HAX 2024 provided the UL students with a unique opportunity to foster collaboration, cultural exchange, and technological innovation with their Asian counterparts. The program’s focus on equipping students with the skills and knowledge necessary to address societal challenges aligned perfectly with UL’s commitment to producing globally competitive graduates.

A pivotal aspect of the students’ experience was their interaction with Dr. Hari Ginardi, the Head of the Information Technology Department at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). Dr. Ginardi, who has a strong connection with UL due to the MOU signing and lecture exchanges that took place in December 2023, served as a mentor and guide throughout their stay in Surabaya. His expertise and insights were invaluable in enriching the students’ understanding of the Indonesian academic and cultural landscape.

Under Dr. Ginardi’s guidance, the UL students participated in a variety of activities, including academic exchanges, cultural immersions, and community engagement. These experiences not only broadened their horizons but also strengthened their intercultural communication skills and global perspective.

The UL students’ participation in HAX 2024 has not only strengthened the university’s ties with ITS but has also contributed to the achievement of several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By promoting education, innovation, and cultural exchange, the program has aligned with SDG 4: Quality Education, SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, and SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities.

As the UL students prepare to return to the Philippines, they bring with them a wealth of knowledge, skills, and unforgettable memories. Their experiences in HAX 2024, under the mentorship of Dr. Hari Ginardi, have undoubtedly prepared them to become global citizens who can contribute to a more interconnected and sustainable world.