University of Luzon Makes a Grand Debut in WURI Rankings, Highlighting Institutional Excellence

Posted on 18th of Jun 2024 by


The University of Luzon (UL) is abuzz with excitement as we celebrate a historic achievement in our pursuit of global recognition. We are incredibly proud to announce our remarkable performance in the World Universities with Real Impact (WURI) Rankings for Innovation, marking our very first participation in this prestigious international ranking system.

This accomplishment, unveiled during the hybrid awarding ceremony held at Franklin University, Switzerland, on June 7, 2024, as part of the 4th Hanseatic League of Universities (HLU) Conference, signifies a momentous milestone for UL. As a first-time entrant, our performance has been truly exceptional. All three of our entries secured positions within the top 100 globally in their respective categories, a testament to the exceptional quality of education and innovation fostered at UL.

UL’s impressive rankings showcase the institution’s well-rounded strengths across various key areas:

  • 12th place globally in the Culture/Values category (B5): This esteemed ranking reflects UL’s unwavering commitment to cultivating a positive and inclusive learning environment. Our focus on fostering cultural appreciation, ethical conduct, and social responsibility within our student body is recognized on a global scale.
  • 21st place globally in the Entrepreneurial Spirit category (A4): This recognition highlights UL’s dedication to nurturing a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. Our academic programs, coupled with our robust support system for student-led ventures, empower our students to translate their ideas into reality and become the next generation of business leaders.
  • 67th place globally in the Student Support and Engagement category (A1): This prestigious ranking underscores UL’s commitment to providing exceptional student support services. We go beyond academics, offering a comprehensive range of resources and programs designed to foster student well-being, academic success, and active participation in campus life.

This remarkable success would not have been possible without the tireless efforts and unwavering dedication of the entire UL community. The UL International Relations Office (IRO) extends its heartfelt gratitude to all Deans, Faculty, Administrators, Students, and Staff who collectively contributed to this achievement. Their commitment to excellence in teaching, research, and service has laid the foundation for this prestigious recognition.

Special commendation is due to the outstanding leadership and commitment of Dr. Carmelo Vidal and Dr. Dolores Bustillo, along with their exceptional team in the UL Graduate School and Extension Services. Their unwavering dedication to fostering innovation and extending UL’s reach beyond traditional academic boundaries played a pivotal role in securing this esteemed recognition.

These rankings stand as a powerful validation of UL’s unwavering commitment to its educational philosophy of “Perecias y Valias.” This core principle emphasizes the harmonious integration of both skills and values within our academic offerings and community engagement initiatives. We believe that true education goes beyond imparting knowledge; it is about nurturing well-rounded individuals who are not only equipped with the necessary skills to succeed but also possess the ethical grounding and social responsibility to make a positive impact on the world.

Congratulations to the entire UL family! This achievement serves as a powerful motivator to continue striving for excellence and innovation in all our endeavors. Let us continue to roar loud for UL as we push boundaries, solidify our position as a leading institution of higher learning, and make a lasting contribution to the global community.

This prestigious recognition in the WURI Rankings signifies the beginning of a new chapter for UL. We are committed to building upon this success, continuously improving our academic offerings, fostering a culture of innovation, and empowering our students to become the future leaders and changemakers of tomorrow. Let us all celebrate this momentous occasion and embrace the exciting opportunities that lie ahead for the University of Luzon!